My services

Reverse Speech Analysis sessions and Bodytalk Healing sessions.

sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree
five yellow Labrador retriever puppies
five yellow Labrador retriever puppies
silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset
silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset
The self that you think you know is but one aspect of your entire personality.
What I provide
Reverse Speech mini Analysis
​Reverse Speech Analysis
​Sessions arranged using phone or Skype
Bodytalk Healing sessions
​Sessions arranged using phone or Skype
Bodytalk Healing session

· anxiety, stress, and depression
· releasing fears and phobias
· releasing emotional traumas
· shifting limiting beliefs
​· relationships with self and others

What is reverse speech analysis?
Experience a short session to validate the process for yourself.

5 minute mini sample session - Two appointments = $50
5 minute recording on one issue topic, schedule next appointment - analyze and write up the session transcript, review and play session results

25 minutes RS analysis - two appointments = $243
In-Depth Personal Session-
We begin with a 25 minute conversation on One topic of your choice; i.e., relationships, inner issues, future plans, whatever is of your concern. I then analyze and document your voice in my office then we have a follow up conversation approx 60-90 minutes to listen to your reversals together and interpret their meaning. I also provide a transcript and audio files for you to keep. Hear your own inner voice. Resolve issues and move forward in your life.

Metawalk - Not doing Metawalk at this time.